Friday, June 5, 2020

J'ai fait un rêve, mais c'était surréaliste comme un cauchemar, by, Gina Meyers

Some things just sound better in French. Even though I am American and Speak English, it just sounds better in French. 

J'ai fait un rêve, mais c'était surréaliste comme un cauchemar
pexels copyright free photo.

L'injustice est une injustice, mais vous voulez la conditionner.

Le racisme est le racisme, mais vous voulez le conditionner.

La colère est la colère comme vous voulez l'appeler.

Défendez la cause

C'est peut-être votre seule chance

La victoire s'accomplit par l'action

La complaisance tue

Les victimes sont des victimes

Mais les vainqueurs sont victorieux

Ayez le courage de prendre position

Parce que demain n'est pas encore arrivé

Hier est parti

Et le cadeau est MAINTENANT, c'est pourquoi nous l'appelons un cadeau!


À la mémoire de George Floyd, car une personne peut faire la différence.


Nous pouvons respirer, alors soyons la voix du changement.

Injustice is injustice however you want to package it. 
Racism is racism however you want to package it. 
Anger is anger whatever you want to call it. 
Stand up for cause 
Maybe it’s your only chance 
Victory is accomplished through action 
Complacency kills 
Victims are victims 
But victors are victorious 
Have the courage to take a stand 
Because tomorrow hasn’t happened yet 
Yesterday is gone 
And the present is NOW, that’s why we call it a gift! 

In memory of George Floyd, because one person can make a difference. 

We can breathe, so let’s be the voice of change. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Monday, May 18, 2020

Holistic Healing Exercises, by, Gina Meyers

Holistic Healing Exercises 


How has disease manifested in your physical body as a result of mental, emotional, or spiritual stress? 

What is blocking your ability to give and receive love? 

Ritual Chant: 

“I am tho” mantra 

Ra = sun energy 
Ma = moon energy 
Da = earth energy 
Sa = infinity, universal energy 
Sa = repeated 
Say = the personal embodiment of Sa 
So = the personal sense of merger with Sa 
Hung = the Infinite, vibrating and real 

Mundra Exercise: 
Bend the arms and bring the elbows against the side of the rib cage. The palms of the hands face the sky. The elbows are snug at your sides with the forearms in close to your upper arms. The hands are at a 45 degree angle, halfway between pointing forward and pointing to the sides.  

Healing Exercise:  
Inhale deeply, hold your breath and visualize the person you want to send healing to. Make that image in your mind very clear and see a glowing green light around the person. Keeping that person in your mind, exhale. Inhale deeply, hold your breath and continue to send the person healing green light. Still keeping that vision in your mind, exhale. For the last time, inhale deeply, hold your breath and see the person very clearly, see the green healing light bathing the person, bathing every cell in the body. Exhale and relax.  

Health Exercise: 
Sitting cross-legged on the floor, inhale and take your shoulders up high towards your ears.  
As you exhale drop your shoulders down and push your shoulder blades together, opening out your chest. Repeat a few times until the stiffness starts to leave your body. Breathe deeply to help shift the tightness. 
Inhale and take the shoulders forward and drop the head down to create more space for the shoulders. 
As you exhale, move your shoulders back in a circular motion. To repeat the exercise, inhale and take your shoulders forwards and up, then exhale taking them back and down. Keep all your movements fluid and graceful. Return to the start position. As you exercise, keep still, concentrating on your neck and shoulders. 

Visualization Exercise: 
Kneel with a straight back, relaxed jaw and softened face. Imagine the energy from the base chakra. Feel it move up through the spine up to the crown chakra at the top of the head to join with the cosmic energy. It is then that the principles of life become clear and the mind, body, and spiritual selves are unified. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dreamboards, by Gina Meyers

 How To Make A Dreamboard 
By, Gina Meyers 

Gather Materials: 

You can either use magazines or images found on websites. If you choose to use magazines, gather different types of magazines, so you can cover all the topics that you are interested in. For instance, if you are interested in traveling, visiting a local travel agency and requesting brochures on the countries you would like to visit. If you are interested in Yoga for instance, purchasing a magazine devoted to Yoga, health and wellness would be appropriate.  You can also use documents you collect or bulletins, found at your local church or university. You want to find images that remind you of your goals and ambitions, hopes, dreams for your future. These images are meant to motivate.  

Cut out images: 

Go through each magazine and cut out any pictures, inspirational words that appeal to you. Allow your mind to wander and follow your instinct. Find bright, colorful images that make you feel ambitious, motivated, exhilarated, fantastic. Ideas are: nice houses, cars, flowers, landmarks, fitness models, powerful words (love, hope). 

Purchase a board: 

A large blank poster board, inexpensive and available at a local art store or dollar store, discount drug store/pharmacy. You can also invest in a canvas or a magnet board. 

Cut and paste pictures: 

Cut and paste pictures on your dreamboard. You can use glue sticks, or elmer’s glue. 

Place the dream board: 

Put it beside your bed, or in your office, or in your workspace. If you don’t have a lot of room, take a picture of your dreamboard and look at it on your phone or print out a photograph of your dreamboard. It will be a smaller version, so good for handy reference to keep in your glove box of your car.  

Over the course of a year, you will notice that you will start to achieve some of your dreams that you have placed on your board.  

You can also make a dreamboard online at

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Principles of Motivation with Dr. Wayne Dyer, by, Gina Meyers, Principles 1, & 2

Principles of Motivation with Dr. Wayne Dyer

Principle #1:
Change Your Life

Have a mind open to everything and attached to nothing.
When we close our minds, we close off the genius waiting to be unlocked.
No one knows enough to be a pessimist.
Don't close off the genius that resides in you.

Stop being offended. This is a trait to rid yourself of: "people often spend their lives looking for occasions to be offended. If you think this way you will attract many of these unpleasant experiences.

Have a growth mindset. If you run into a naysayer, say: "That's an interesting point of view, I haven't thought about it like that before, let me consider that, thank you."

It took NEW AGE thinkers to get us to where we are today.

Progress is impossible if you always do things the same way.

Principle #2:
You Can't Give Away What You Don't Have

Look at life as an ocean of abundance.

You have options, you can choose to take a mac truck to the ocean of abundance and fill it up time and time again, or you can choose to take an eye dropper occasionally to the ocean of abundance and take a little tiny bit at a time, if any.

Quick Takeaway:

Mac truck "unlimited world" view or take an eye dropper "limited world view."

You could take a mac truck every day to the ocean of abundance, and the ocean will never drop, not an inch, you aren't depleting it's unlimited.

But if you take an eye dropper to the ocean of abundance once a month and only take a little out.

You will always find yourself creating a limited world if your message to the universe is "give me, give me, give me."

Universe response back: "give me, give me, give me."

Never arriving anywhere, kind of becomes a vicious circle.

If you keep attracting the same type of people in your life, if you feel you are always behind the 8 ball you are attracting these experiences in your life based upon your world view.

Ocean of abundance is there, ALWAYS!