Saturday, May 9, 2020

Principles of Motivation with Dr. Wayne Dyer, by, Gina Meyers, Principles 1, & 2

Principles of Motivation with Dr. Wayne Dyer

Principle #1:
Change Your Life

Have a mind open to everything and attached to nothing.
When we close our minds, we close off the genius waiting to be unlocked.
No one knows enough to be a pessimist.
Don't close off the genius that resides in you.

Stop being offended. This is a trait to rid yourself of: "people often spend their lives looking for occasions to be offended. If you think this way you will attract many of these unpleasant experiences.

Have a growth mindset. If you run into a naysayer, say: "That's an interesting point of view, I haven't thought about it like that before, let me consider that, thank you."

It took NEW AGE thinkers to get us to where we are today.

Progress is impossible if you always do things the same way.

Principle #2:
You Can't Give Away What You Don't Have

Look at life as an ocean of abundance.

You have options, you can choose to take a mac truck to the ocean of abundance and fill it up time and time again, or you can choose to take an eye dropper occasionally to the ocean of abundance and take a little tiny bit at a time, if any.

Quick Takeaway:

Mac truck "unlimited world" view or take an eye dropper "limited world view."

You could take a mac truck every day to the ocean of abundance, and the ocean will never drop, not an inch, you aren't depleting it's unlimited.

But if you take an eye dropper to the ocean of abundance once a month and only take a little out.

You will always find yourself creating a limited world if your message to the universe is "give me, give me, give me."

Universe response back: "give me, give me, give me."

Never arriving anywhere, kind of becomes a vicious circle.

If you keep attracting the same type of people in your life, if you feel you are always behind the 8 ball you are attracting these experiences in your life based upon your world view.

Ocean of abundance is there, ALWAYS!

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