Thursday, December 31, 2020

What Unique Holidays Will You Be Celebrating in February 2021?



February 1 – Car Insurance Day 
February 1 – GI Joe Day 
February 1 – Hula In The Coola Day 
February 1 – National Get Up Day 
February 1 – Serpent Day 
February 1 – Spunky Old Broads Day 
February 1 – National Freedom Day 
February 1 – World Hijab Day
February 1 – Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day
February 2 – Crêpe Day 
February 2 – Hedgehog Day 
February 2 – Marmot Day 
February 2 – Play Your Ukulele Day 
February 3 – Carrot Cake Day
February 3 – The Day The Music Died
February 3 – National Missing Persons Day
February 3 – National Girls And Women In Sports Day 
February 4 – Create A Vacuum Day 
February 4 – Stuffed Mushroom Day 
February 4 – Thank A Mail Carrier Day 
February 4 – Liberace Day 
February 4 – Quacker Day 
February 4 – USO Day 
February 4 – World Cancer Day 
February 4 – African American Coaches Day
February 5 – National Weatherperson’s Day 
February 5 – World Nutella Day 
February 5 – World Animal Reiki Day 
February 5 – Chocolate Fondue Day 
February 5 – Work Naked Day
February 5 – Bubble Gum Day
February 5 – National Wear Red Day
February 5 – Unity Day 
February 6 – Lame Duck Day 
February 6 – Chopsticks Day
February 6 – Take Your Child To The Library Day 
February 6 – International Day Of Zero Tolerance Toward Female Genital Mutilation
February 7 – Dump Your Significant Jerk Day
February 7 – e-Day
February 7 – Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 
February 7 – National Periodic Table Day 
February 7 – Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbor Day 
February 7 – Send A Card To A Friend Day 
February 8 – National Boy Scout Day 
February 8 – Laugh And Get Rich Day 
February 8 – Opera Day 
February 8 – Propose Day
February 8 – Kite Flying Day 
February 9 – National Pizza Day 
February 9 – Read In The Bathtub Day 
February 9 – Toothache Day 
February 9 – Bagel And Lox Day
February 9 – Safer Internet Day 
February 9 – Extraterrestrial Culture Day
February 10 – Umbrella Day 
February 10 – National Home Warranty Day 
February 11 – Clean Out Your Computer Day 
February 11 – Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day 
February 11 – Make A Friend Day 
February 11 – National Inventors Day 
February 11 – White T-Shirt Day 
February 11 – Get Out Your Guitar Day 
February 11 – Satisfied Staying Single Day 
February 11 – World Day Of The Sick
February 12 – National Lost Penny Day 
February 12 – National Plum Pudding Day
February 12 – Darwin Day 
February 12 – No One Eats Alone Day 
February 12 – Plum Pudding Day 
February 13 – Get A Different Name Day 
February 13 – Desperation Day 
February 13 – Galentine’s Day 
February 13 – International Condom Day 
February 13 – Madly In Love With Me Day 
February 13 – World Radio Day
February 14 – Ferris Wheel Day 
February 14 – World Marriage Day 
February 14 – National Organ Donor Day 
February 14 – International Book Giving Day
February 14 – Frederick Douglass Day 
February 14 – Quirkyalone Day 
February 14 – Library Lovers Day
February 15 – Gumdrop Day 
February 15 – Singles Awareness Day 
February 15 – Susan B. Anthony Day  
February 15 – National Hippo Day 
February 15 – Remember The Maine Day 
February 16 – Do A Grouch A Favor Day 
February 16 – National Almond Day 
February 17 – Random Acts Of Kindness Day 
February 17 – National Champion Crab Races Day 
February 17 – My Way Day 
February 17 – National PTA Founders Day 
February 17 – World Human Spirit Day 
February 18 – Battery Day 
February 18 – National Drink Wine Day 
February 18 – National Hate Florida Day 
February 19 – National Chocolate Mint Day 
February 19 – National Lashes Day 
February 19 – National Caregiver Appreciation Day
February 20 – Cherry Pie Day 
February 20 – World Whale Day
February 20 – Hoodie Hoo Day 
February 20 – Love Your Pet Day 
February 20 – National Muffin Day 
February 20 – World Day For Social Justice 
February 21 – International Mother Language Day  
February 21 – Card Reading Day 
February 22 – Single Tasking Day
February 22 – Be Humble Day 
February 22 – International World Thinking Day 
February 22 – National Margarita Day 
February 22 – Walking The Dog Day 
February 22 – World Thinking Day 
February 23 – Curling Is Cool Day 
February 23 – International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
February 23 – Tootsie Roll Day
February 23 – Tennis Day 
February 24 – National Tortilla Chip Day 
February 25 – Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day 
February 25 – Pistol Patent Day 
February 25 – National Chili Day
February 26 – For Pete’s Sake Day 
February 26 – National Pistachio Day 
February 26 – Tell A Fairy Tale Day 
February 27 – World Sword Swallowers Day
February 27 – No Brainer Day 
February 27 – World Information Architecture Day 
February 27 – International Polar Bear Day
February 27 – National Retro Day
February 28 – Floral Design Day 
February 28 – Public Sleeping Day
February 28 – Peace Corps Day

Which "Unusual" Holidays will you be celebrating in January 2021?


January 1 – Hangover Day 
January 1 – Polar Bear Plunge Day 
January 1 – Copyright Law Day 
January 1 – First Foot Day 
January 1 – Global Family Day 
January 1 – Public Domain Day 
January 1 – Z Day 
January 2 – Run It Up The Flagpole And See If Anyone Salutes It Day 
January 2 – Happy Mew Year For Cats 
January 2 – Buffet Day 
January 2 – National Personal Trainer Awareness Day 
January 2 – Science Fiction Day 
January 2 – Pet Travel And Safety Day 
January 3 – Fruitcake Toss Day 
January 3 – Humiliation Day 
January 3 – J.R.R. Tolkien Day 
January 3 – National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day 
January 4 – National Spaghetti Day 
January 4 – Trivia Day 
January 4 – Pop Music Chart Day 
January 4 – Tom Thumb Day 
January 4 – World Braille Day 
January 4 – World Hypnotism Day 
January 4 – National Weigh–In Day 
January 5 – Bird Day 
January 5 – National Keto Day 
January 5 – National Screenwriters’ Day 
January 5 – World Peace Meditation Day
January 6 – Bean Day 
January 6 – Cuddle Up Day 
January 7 – Old Rock Day 
January 7 – I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day 
January 7 – National Bobblehead Day 
January 7 – Old Rock Day 
January 8 – I Am A Mentor Day 
January 8 – Bubble Bath Day 
January 8 – Argyle Day 
January 8 – Earth’s Rotation Day 
January 8 – National English Toffee Day 
January 8 – National Winter Skin Relief Day 
January 8 – War On Poverty Day 
January 9 – Play God Day 
January 9 – National Take The Stairs Day 
January 9 – National Vision Board Day 
January 9 – Balloon Ascension Day 
January 9 – Law Enforcement Appreciation Day 
January 9 – National Cassoulet Day 
January 9 – Static Electricity Day 
January 9 – Word Nerd Day 
January 10 – Bittersweet Chocolate Day 
January 10 – Houseplant Appreciation Day 
January 10 – Peculiar People Day 
January 10 – Cut Your Energy Costs Day 
January 10 – National Oysters Rockefeller Day 
January 11 – Cigarettes Are Hazardous To Your Health Day 
January 11 – Step In A Puddle And Splash Your Friends Day 
January 11 – Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day 
January 11 – National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 
January 11 – National Milk Day 
January 11 – National Clean Off Your Desk Day 
January 12 – National Pharmacist Day 
January 12 – Marzipan Day 
January 12 – National Shop For Travel Day 
January 12 – Kiss A Ginger Day 
January 13 – Make Your Dreams Come True Day 
January 13 – Sticker Day 
January 14 – Reptile Awareness Day 
January 14 – Dress Up Your Pet Day 
January 14 – International Kite Day 
January 14 – Organize Your Home Office Day 
January 15 – International Hat Day 
January 15 – Strawberry Ice Cream Day
January 15 – Benjamin Franklin Day
January 15 – International Fetish Day
January 16 – Appreciate A Dragon Day 
January 16 – Nothing Day
January 16 – Fig Newton Day 
January 16 – National Quinoa Day 
January 16 – Religious Freedom Day  
January 17 – Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day  
January 17 – Cable Car Day 
January 17 – Kid Inventors’ Day 
January 17 – World Snow Day
January 17 – International Mentoring Day
January 18 – Thesaurus Day 
January 18 – Winnie The Pooh Day 
January 18 – Beautician’s Day 
January 19 – Popcorn Day 
January 19 – Tin Can Day 
January 19 – World Quark Day 
January 19 – Rid The World Of Fad Diets And Gimmicks Day
January 20 – Change Your Password Day 
January 20 – National Cheese Lovers Day 
January 20 – Penguin Awareness Day  
January 20 – National Disc Jockey Day 
January 21 – National Hugging Day 
January 21 – Squirrel Appreciation Day 
January 21 – Women’s Healthy Weight Day
January 22 – National Blonde Brownie Day 
January 22 – Answer Your Cat’s Question Day 
January 22 – Roe Vs. Wade Day
January 23 – Paul Pitcher Day 
January 23 – National Pie Day 
January 23 – Handwriting Day 
January 23 – Measure Your Feet Day 
January 23 – National Pie Day
January 24 – National Compliment Day 
January 24 – Beer Can Day 
January 24 – Belly Laugh Day 
January 24 – National Peanut Butter Day 
January 24 – Macintosh Computer Day 
January 25 – Opposite Day 
January 25 – A Room Of One’s Own Day 
January 25 – National Irish Coffee Day 
January 25 – National Tourism Day
January 25 – National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
January 26 – Spouses’ Day 
January 26 – Dental Drill Appreciation Day 
January 26 – National Peanut Brittle Day 
January 26 – National Plan For A Vacation Day
January 27 – Chocolate Cake Day 
January 27 – Library Shelfie Day
January 27 – Auschwitz Liberation Day 
January 27 – Holocaust Memorial Day 
January 27 – Thomas Crapper Day 
January 27 – Vietnam Peace Day 
January 28 – Data Privacy Day 
January 28 – National Kazoo Day  
January 28 – Thank A Plugin Developer Day  
January 29 – Puzzle Day 
January 29 – National Corn Chip Day 
January 29 – Curmudgeons’ Day 
January 29 – National Big Wig Day
January 30 – Croissant Day 
January 30 – National Inane Answering Message Day 
January 30 – National Seed Swap Day
January 31 – Backwards Day 
January 31 – Inspire Your Heart With Art Day 
January 31 – Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day 
January 31 – Street Children Day
January 31 – International Transgender Day Of Visibility



Unusual Food Holidays
January 3 – Fruitcake Toss Day 
January 3 – National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day 
January 4 – National Spaghetti Day 
January 6 – Bean Day 
January 8 – National English Toffee Day 
January 10 – Bittersweet Chocolate Day 
January 10 – National Oysters Rockefeller Day 
January 11 – National Milk Day 
January 12 – Marzipan Day 
January 15 – Strawberry Ice Cream Day
January 16 – Fig Newton Day 
January 19 – Popcorn Day 
January 20 – National Cheese Lovers Day 
January 22 – National Blonde Brownie Day 
January 23 – National Pie Day
January 24 – Beer Can Day 
January 24 – National Peanut Butter Day 
January 25 – National Irish Coffee Day 
January 26 – National Peanut Brittle Day 
January 27 – Chocolate Cake Day 
January 29 – National Corn Chip Day 
January 30 – Croissant Day

Sunday, December 20, 2020

To Thine Own Brand Be True by Gina Meyers

 To Thine Own Brand Be True 

Marketing, Covid, Your Life Purpose & More 

by Gina Meyers


In my marketing classes at Fresno State University, I learned that nothing really happens in life until people buy something. It starts when people buy into something or feel that they need something.


The job of a good marketer is to intentionally reach more people who might need or want your product. 


Right now with Covid, everything is going haywire. Companies and businesses are having to scramble to tell their patrons, clients, and fans that they are “doing business as usual,” not doing business, or doing business in a different way. This isn’t a political statement, but a necessary statement. 


I am of the opinion that we are all essential, as we are human beings placed on Planet Earth. No job is more important than another, and don’t tell me that “closing down outdoor dining” is going to save anyone’s life when it is killing thousands of people’s livelihoods. 


Ok, I got political. Back on point.  


We all have had life experiences that have shaped who we are at the core of our being. Some of those experiences have been magnificent and joyful, while others have been traumatic and daunting. 


In regards to the painful experiences you have had in your lifetime, you have lived through them and have gained resilience as a result. You may not recognize how much you have overcome in your life, but you have! Perhaps you have experienced childhood abuse. Perhaps you were once hospitalized from a serious injury accident, or maybe you went through a very painful divorce or an illness.


From that experience, you have gained some invisible (or visible) scars and may still have a few “wounds” to be healed, but you have lived to tell the tale. You are stronger. You have triumphed.


What does this have to do with your BRAND? A unique brand will have your story behind it.


People want to buy things from people who they feel are genuine, honest, and trustworthy. Your story is who you are, who you help, and what you can do for your client. In a nutshell, you can create your brand by sharing your story and crafting your message around it. 


Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are considering your brand (as well as your services, products, and ideal clients):


1) What are some of your most difficult challenges in life thus far? How did you overcome those challenges?


2) What challenges have helped you become stronger and more capable of a person from having gone through them?


3) Do you feel compelled and passionate about helping others who are currently struggling with the same ones?


In identifying a painful life transition, relationship, or experience that has formulated who you are and how you recovered from it, you may have just tapped into your life purpose and your ideal business. 


Your brand is a natural extension of you: all your pain and all your joy, all your stumbles and all your victorious returns. 


You were first branded with an experience that is uniquely your own. Now brand your business by turning your past pain into a plan for helping others. There are masses of people in the world who are desperate for your message, and the time to reach them is now.




Edited by Kelly Harlin:

To learn more about Serendipity Media Group: Book publishing, marketing, promotions

To learn more about Author Gina Meyers:

Saturday, October 10, 2020

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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Feel Good Movies to Watch as Covid-19 Continues On....

Here is a short list of movies to make you laugh and feel good as Covid-19 continues.


Wedding Singer

Ground Hog Day


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Almond Biscotti paired with Papagni Muscat Wine, It's What's For Dessert, by Gina Meyers

 Almond Biscotti 


3 eggs 

1 cup of sugar 

1 teaspoon of almond extract 

1 cube of butter 

3 cups of flour 

3 teaspoon of baking powder 

Colored sprinkles 


Directions: In a bowl, blend sugar, eggs, butter, and almond extract. Add baking powder and flour. Continue to mix, add flour a cup at a time, use a spatula to blend mixture. With your hands, mold the dough first into a ball and then into a loaf. Place loaf on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with colored sprinkles after you have flattened with your hands. In a preheated 350 degree oven, bake for 20 minutes, take out and cut with a sharp knife, into diagonals cookies about ¾ inch thick. Bake on the side for an additional 10 minutes, can do this on both sides for extra crunchy biscotti cookies. 

Purchase one of Gina's Taste of Italy Cookbooks today: Cook Like A Hot Italian Mama


Papagni Wine Choice: Muscat or Muscat Canelli 


The Muscat has a fresh floral of aromas with a just picked grapefruit appeal. The sweetness and the fresh fruit flavors such as apricot with smooth honey make it a balanced wine which pairs nicely with an after-dinner dessert of Almond Biscotti.  


The Muscat Canelli is a sweet wine which can be considered dessert in and of itself. However, it would go nicely with a biscotti or two.  




Our Muscat of Alexandria is perfumed with aromas of apricot, white peach, and floral notes. Rich flavors of peach, honeysuckle, and lychee slide into a silky sweet finish. Pairs with strong cheeses and dried fruit, scallops, tiramisu or perfect as an aperitif. 375 ML ALC 12% BY VOL

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyways, by, Gina Meyers


There is one thing for sure that I have learned from the book, Bulletproof and it is this.

We will always have fear in our lives, it is a constant companion until the day we die. There are tons of self-help books out there that say we can overcome fear, that we can be fearless in a sense, but of the negative emotions being scared or afraid isn't one we can easily control as a matter of fact, we can only maneuver that one.

So, here are five steps to conquering fear.

1) Accept it, fear never goes away.

2) Identify It.

3) Feel It.

4) Face It.

5) Practice It.

Write your Story, let me help

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

5 Ways to Adjust Your Social Media Strategy

Using  your social media strategy to your full advantage.

I am attending a business webinar through today.

I am learning about 5 Ways to Adjust Your Social Media Strategy.

All of the examples that I learned today the foundational goal is a great way to engage and attract build new and loyal guests to your social media site.

Engage your customers by asking them questions, expand your reach by doing this on your social media sites, such as Instagram stories.

Takeaway: questions builds rapport!

Instagram, make sure you have a personal and a business page.

Business is built on relationships, so encouraging friends or new friends to follow is highly encouraged.

Go Daddy Expert Geoffrey is encouraging us to follow him: geoffreysbrown

Social Media Content:

Share Seasonal Content

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Father's Day!

Share Feel Good Content, share stuff that you are passionate about.

Use hashtags to stay top-of-mind

Ask questions to engage your audience.

(Think about what worked what didn't work, do your homework and figure out what your audience wants from you concerning your business, each industry has a different method).

Always put your best foot forward, be reactive and proactive, so if a customer comments in a negative or critical way, make sure that you are asking for feedback.

Critical Comments can mess with your strategy, build your community and respond to your audience to build your community.

Take what the person says, defend and apologize, take a day or so to respond to a negative review, respond back privately as well, "off line".

1) You have to respond, you are not just responding to the person with the negative comment, everyone is gonna come across you, you are spreading your organic word of mouth, responding, putting your best foot forward, you genuinely care, this is your front door, we aren't opening up a phone book anymore, we are sizing up the competition.
2) Sun Shining through, no dust on the door.
3) Got to  highlight customer testimonials.

Content is like going on a first date

Think about social media continuously engagement content. Building a relationship with your customers, adjust and adapt your social media strategy.

Gourmand International Cookbook Winner, Gina Meyers

Gourmand International Cookbook Winner, Gina Meyers

In March of 2012, I was honored to be the winner of The Gourmand International Cookbook Award for Best Charity Cookbook in the world, Serendipity Media Group also won that evening. Mr. Edward Cointreau of the Cointreau Liquor Dynasty presented me with the award for my Hope for Haiti Fundraising Cookbook. His family also own Le Cordon Bleu the famous cooking school in Paris, France.

Friday, June 5, 2020

J'ai fait un rêve, mais c'était surréaliste comme un cauchemar, by, Gina Meyers

Some things just sound better in French. Even though I am American and Speak English, it just sounds better in French. 

J'ai fait un rêve, mais c'était surréaliste comme un cauchemar
pexels copyright free photo.

L'injustice est une injustice, mais vous voulez la conditionner.

Le racisme est le racisme, mais vous voulez le conditionner.

La colère est la colère comme vous voulez l'appeler.

Défendez la cause

C'est peut-être votre seule chance

La victoire s'accomplit par l'action

La complaisance tue

Les victimes sont des victimes

Mais les vainqueurs sont victorieux

Ayez le courage de prendre position

Parce que demain n'est pas encore arrivé

Hier est parti

Et le cadeau est MAINTENANT, c'est pourquoi nous l'appelons un cadeau!


À la mémoire de George Floyd, car une personne peut faire la différence.


Nous pouvons respirer, alors soyons la voix du changement.

Injustice is injustice however you want to package it. 
Racism is racism however you want to package it. 
Anger is anger whatever you want to call it. 
Stand up for cause 
Maybe it’s your only chance 
Victory is accomplished through action 
Complacency kills 
Victims are victims 
But victors are victorious 
Have the courage to take a stand 
Because tomorrow hasn’t happened yet 
Yesterday is gone 
And the present is NOW, that’s why we call it a gift! 

In memory of George Floyd, because one person can make a difference. 

We can breathe, so let’s be the voice of change.