Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Trust your Gut, by Gina Meyers


I recently watched a Netflix's documentary on the Gut. Coincidentally enough, my aunt sent me an article on the gut. All in the same week, wow! So I started watching Netflix's Gut Special. I don't have a lot to say about it other than so much of our lives revolves around how we feel about our middle. As I was subbing the other day, I overheard a child say that I was skinny. This made me happy to overhear her say this. It was just an observation on her part and we were preparing for a math timed test so it wasn't like her comment to her friend interfered with her daily work schedule. But it made me smile inside, knowing that I will be 53 in exactly one month and staying fit is so important.

It's a funny thing to talk about the gut and our middle because it is as if sheer willpower or something has anything to do with anything. Our bodies change as we age/mature. The thing about the gut is how we use the word in everyday language without knowing. The article my aunt sent talked about foods to eat and other ways to bring more oxygen and healing to the brain via the gut health including probiotics. But what fascinates me in the lexicon surrounding the gut. 





The word itself has such a profound affect on one's psyche. 

So they next time you think about your middle or your gut, remember only the truly brave are willing to talk about their gut!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Energy flows to where attention goes. The dynamics of relationship status and energy. By Gina Meyers


Energy flows to where attention goes.

The dynamics of relationship  status and energy.

By Gina Meyers

It doesn’t matter if you are in a relationship at the present moment, friends, not in a relationship at the present moment, but were in the past–you will be in the “relationship” regardless of the current status due to the energy that you have given the relationship and the energy you currently give the relationship.

So let that sink in for a moment.

Regardless of present relationship status, (ie, you guys are on a break, you are together, etc.) there is relationship energy.

Relationship energy ebbs and flows depending upon mood and emotional energy as well. But that’s a different energy that I am talking about.

So, if you want to continue to build upon your relationship, or you want to leave it behind, you have to do the same thing, focus on the things you like about the relationship and the way it makes you feel.

By focusing on the positives regardless of the relationship “status quo” you will be able to have a renewed relationship with yourself, the other person, a new person in the future. 

By elevating your emotions you’ll spend less time focusing on how to fix it and more energy on what already works. 

When there is a lot of energy surrounding a relationship, relationship status doesn’t matter. Your brain is already wired to respond a certain way to that person. 

Giving all memories and emotional energy happy and positive will lead your life and your energy is a state of peace.

By being faithful to your positive emotions and focusing on only positive energy you will not only have a renewed relationship with others but you will have a faithfully forgiving and loving relationship with yourself.

The Psychology Report-Blog #41, Dr. Allan Hedberg-Gratitude in the Making Starting Today



Gratitude in the Making Starting Today

How does one learn gratitude behavior and uses it appropriately?  Gratitude is a vital aspect of maturity and effective social conduct.  Advancement in life, socially, occupationally, and even educationally, depends on our ability to express gratitude and receive it gracefully. 

How to sharpen your gratitude skills by using this toolbox of actions……

1.  Keeping a daily gratitude journal for at least one month..

2.  Making lists of things for which you are grateful such as family, friends, activities in which you are involved, and your career.

3.  Writing thank you notes.

4.  Helping others even in small ways.

4.  Regularly and verbally express thankfulness to those with whom you associate.

5.  Find small things for which to be thankful and pause and take time to mentally reflect on why you are thankful.  Do it while taking a walk, for example.

What are the benefits of gratitude?  

1.  Improved sleep.

2.  Dealing with disease.

3.  Lowers inflammation.

4.  Strengthens cardiovascular health.

5.  Reduces depression.

6.  Improves mood.

7.  Reduces anxiety.

8.  Increases positive feelings and emotions. 

9.  Reduces negative thinking such as worrying and rumination.

One researcher put it this way – “Gratitude is a light, an expression, not necessarily conditioned to good times, making it possible to maintain the feeling of goodness, even during negative experiences or most difficult moments.”  

Lastly, our world would be exponentially better, if we all were a little more grateful for what we have and the opportunities we enjoy each day…………

Allan G. Hedberg, Ph.D 

Clinical Psychology

Easy Gluten-Free PB&J Crepes

 Easy Gluten-Free PB&J Crepes

In a blender, place two whole eggs, 1 cup of gluten-free flour, ⅛ of a teaspoon of sea sdalt, 1 Tablespoon of unsalted melted butter, 1 cup of almond milk, coconut milk, or oat milk. Beat on liquify mode and in a skillet on low heat, melt butter and pour crepe mixture in pan and smooth with a spatula, flip when light brown. 

To add, place a dollop of almond butter and jelly. For my crepes I used Smuckers Strawberry Jam, Trade Joe’s Almond Butter, Target Brand of Less Sweet Oat Milk, and King Arthur Gluten-free flour. 

*You can refrigerate the crepes mixture. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Papagni Winery


Third generation valley farmer, grape grower, and wine maker Demetrio Papagni is a leader. His family legacy has been growing grapes for wine making which started back in Bari, Italy. Demetrio's family dreamed of making fine wines and came to the Central Valley in 1912 and started on their American Dream. This tradition continues today and he is proudly  the owner of Papagni Winery in Madera, California. This tradition of excellence continues in the wine industry today!

He's   stayed true to his Italian Roots by creating unique varietals such as the signature Alicante Bouchet.  You can visit the wine tasting room on weekends. It is located at: 9505 Road 30 1/2 Madera, Ca 93636.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

What Holiday Movies Have You Watched Already?


Getting the holidays off to a good start, I've watched 1) The Holiday, 2) Serendipity, 3) The Santa Clause , and 4) Christmas With The Kranks. 

There are so many good one's this year I've decided to get a head start.

Here are some of my favorite scenes.

Driving on the Left, The Holiday

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Thankful Journal by Gina Meyers


Every November, since 1998, I have handmade a journal for my family to draw and write in. Specifically what they are thankful for. So many years later--the sentiment is the same, writing down gratitude makes us more grateful for what we have.

So come every November the 1st, like clockwork, I get out either a new notebook, the old tattered "Thankful Journals" from years past, a piece of paper and a pen and I write what I am thankful for. It has been fun reminiscing on what the children through the various stages of their lives have been grateful for.

My children have love teasing me about how I have occasionally changed the name from The Thankful Journal to the Gratitude Journal, but the sentiment is the same. :) 

Be grateful for the good things in your life and they will multiply.

I am halfway through Rhonda Byrne's book, The Magic. Rhonda's book, The Secret, has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. 

In 2011, I felt inspired to write Attitude of Gratitude. Attitude Of Gratitude is like my life, a work in progress. The tips and the sections in the book are meant to bring peace, joy, and a fulfilling life. Though none of us know how long we have to live, the purpose and intention in Attitude Of Gratitude is to enjoy the life that God has given us. Through the exploration of a new concept with key principles, Attitude Of Gratitude will tell you exactly what to do in any and all situations by looking within. Through reading stories of challenge and inspiration as well as reading quotes from famous individuals, the reader will focus on the three C's, the only three things that matter in this universe, Choice, Catalyst, and Companionship. Through the analyzing of these three C's or key principles, you will change the life you have into the life of your dreams. As Socrates said, "the unexamined life is not worth living." Ponder upon the meaning of this statement while you read quotes and short stories.

You can now listen to Attitude of Gratitude on Audible or you can purchase the PDF or E Book on my website. Recently, I wrote, Attitude of Gratitude Journal. Easily, you can print out the pages and create your own Thankful/Gratitude Journal.

Like what Napoleon Hill says in his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, your mind has the capacity to reach anything you set out to do. But you have to be ready to hear it.

People come into our lives for a reason. Mainly to teach us lessons. When a person has a good intention to bring about a positive change in your life, you have willed this person to cross your path. When you open your heart, mind, body, and spirit, and are ready to hear what you need to hear in order to succeed with whatever goals you have in life, you have the ability to succeed.

Attitude of Gratitude Journal is like my life—a work in progress. The tips and the sections in this audiobook are meant to bring peace, joy, and a fulfilling life.

Read Gina's Favorite Books of 2023