Showing posts with label Attitude of Gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude of Gratitude. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Thankful Journal by Gina Meyers


Every November, since 1998, I have handmade a journal for my family to draw and write in. Specifically what they are thankful for. So many years later--the sentiment is the same, writing down gratitude makes us more grateful for what we have.

So come every November the 1st, like clockwork, I get out either a new notebook, the old tattered "Thankful Journals" from years past, a piece of paper and a pen and I write what I am thankful for. It has been fun reminiscing on what the children through the various stages of their lives have been grateful for.

My children have love teasing me about how I have occasionally changed the name from The Thankful Journal to the Gratitude Journal, but the sentiment is the same. :) 

Be grateful for the good things in your life and they will multiply.

I am halfway through Rhonda Byrne's book, The Magic. Rhonda's book, The Secret, has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. 

In 2011, I felt inspired to write Attitude of Gratitude. Attitude Of Gratitude is like my life, a work in progress. The tips and the sections in the book are meant to bring peace, joy, and a fulfilling life. Though none of us know how long we have to live, the purpose and intention in Attitude Of Gratitude is to enjoy the life that God has given us. Through the exploration of a new concept with key principles, Attitude Of Gratitude will tell you exactly what to do in any and all situations by looking within. Through reading stories of challenge and inspiration as well as reading quotes from famous individuals, the reader will focus on the three C's, the only three things that matter in this universe, Choice, Catalyst, and Companionship. Through the analyzing of these three C's or key principles, you will change the life you have into the life of your dreams. As Socrates said, "the unexamined life is not worth living." Ponder upon the meaning of this statement while you read quotes and short stories.

You can now listen to Attitude of Gratitude on Audible or you can purchase the PDF or E Book on my website. Recently, I wrote, Attitude of Gratitude Journal. Easily, you can print out the pages and create your own Thankful/Gratitude Journal.

Like what Napoleon Hill says in his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, your mind has the capacity to reach anything you set out to do. But you have to be ready to hear it.

People come into our lives for a reason. Mainly to teach us lessons. When a person has a good intention to bring about a positive change in your life, you have willed this person to cross your path. When you open your heart, mind, body, and spirit, and are ready to hear what you need to hear in order to succeed with whatever goals you have in life, you have the ability to succeed.

Attitude of Gratitude Journal is like my life—a work in progress. The tips and the sections in this audiobook are meant to bring peace, joy, and a fulfilling life.

Read Gina's Favorite Books of 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Manifesting Mondays, Living With Intent what I learned from Mallika Chopkra, Eckhart Tolle, Rhonda Byrne, and myself, by Gina Meyers


I recently found this photo on my phone. Even though the picture is from another season, it reminds me there is beauty is all seasons.

And here's a picture from October 22, 2023.

Last week I listened to a talk hosted by Fresno State and Speech given by Author, Mallika Chopkra, daughter of Deepak Chopkra.

This is what I learned from  Mallika which she told us she wrote about in her book, Living With Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, & Joy. She uses the  Intent Acronym.

I (Incubate)

N (Notice)

T (Trust)

E (Express)

N (Nurture)

T (Take Action)  

How often are you living with intent? Often, based upon life stressors we live by the seat of our pants, everyone becoming amateur firefighters, dealing with whatever emergency is critical to extinguish in the moment. Living with a life full of gratitude like Rhonda Byrne describes in her book, Magic helps to calm the nerves and build a plan for each day. By having an Attitude of Gratitude we can have the life of our dreams. 

PDF version of Attitude of Gratitude by Gina Meyers

I just finished listening to the book, A New Earth: Awakening To Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle. Mallika recounted a story of arranging a meeting in San Francisco with Eckhart Tolle which was nine months in the making. She described not feeling great and needing to catch a plane from Southern California to Northern California for their very important meeting which she hoped to use some tidbits of wisdom from Mr. Tolle for her Power of Intent Book she was still in the process of writing. 

From the story she described, she was expecting life shattering information from the world-described spiritual guru, but what she got instead was a man who was "Living in the now." She described it being 12 noon and there were church bells chiming in the distance. In that very moment, Mr. Tolle asked Mallika, "do you hear that?" She stated she suddenly became calm and started living in the moment and enjoyed listening to the church bells.

There is a famous phrase and it goes something life this: 

"People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime." But you are going to BE with you for your lifetime, so no matter what season you are in, "you've got you kid." So here's looking at "YOU Kid."

In Acts 14:17, it says, "he has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." The seasons were even brought up in Genesis, so we now there has been a design all along for seasons changing.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1: it says, "there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens."

And for living in the now, Matthew 6:34 The Good News: Don't worry about the things that haven't happened yet. Live in the moment, and leave your worries for tomorrow.

Buy Dream It Alive Manifestation Kit Today!

So for this Manifestation Monday, what qualities are you going to exhibit to live a life full of intent and gratitude. Here is a list of important qualities to obtain or if you already have them, keep it up. 

1. Have a passionate mission.

2. Have a tremendous willingness to collaborate

3. Are not obsessed with perfection.

4. Thoroughly master the core skills in life.

5. Set priorities and stick with them.

6. Are willing to take risks.

7. Learns how to relax and reflect.

8. Learns how to visualize.