To me, having an attitude of gratitude means to be grateful for all of the good things in my life. The truth is, where our attention goes so too does our focus and our attitude. So if we are aiming high and shooting for the stars, we have a better chance at succeeding than if we are worrying or placing our thoughts in a negative light. An expression that I often use is attitude determines altitude. I recently read an article about CEO Julia Stewart. Up until this morning, I hadn’t even heard of her, however her accomplishments speak for themselves. She rose to the ranks to be the first female CEO of IHOP, also known as International House of Pancakes.
Julia’s attitude for success is printed on a piece of paper that she keeps framed on her desk. These have been her life goals and these center around her relationship with her career, personal life, and giving back. Her mantra has been to: “love, encourage, and commit to” her husband, to “love and nourish” her children, to work on goals liking building her Alurx to be the #1 wellness app on the market and to mentor other women who are from all circumstances and walks of life.
I believe in making lists and life goals, not only yearly, but daily. And when I go on a trip, I also usually have a list of things I need to accomplish professionally, but also physically, mentally, and spiritually. In addition to that list– I have a list of things I want to do for fun