Thursday, May 16, 2024

Success Tips


Zig Zigglar said, "don't be a wandering generality, be a meaningful specific."

Yesterday I met a young entrepeurner who is not only changing his own life but is changing the lives of those around him.

He is on track to being debt free and his wife will no longer have to work and they both will be able to stay at home debt free and start a family. He said to me, "you've never heard of a house husband and a house wife together." It made me laugh. He will continue to work part time.

The most amazing thing to me is that he changed his life from playing video games almost forty hours a week. He and his wife met a mastermind group who has helped them financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

He wanted to share some tips to help me as well. He is listening to books such as Everybody Connects by John Maxwell, The Compound Effect, and The Magic of Thinking Big. 

Here is what Jonathan has learned.

1) Make the decision that you want to be successful. 

2) Find Someone Successful.

3) Consistently get around them and study them.

4) Do exactly what they teach you.

I added, do passions with purpose. Which would be part of part 1. I would also add that one needs to constantly suppress the stress response and to lesson your stress as much as possible. The stress hormones need to let up.

Ways to let up and get over the stress would be to journal and to exercise. I would also add watching funny movies to reduce stress.

Some helpful movies to watch:

The Secret


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