Thursday, October 1, 2015

Whole Grain Pomegranate Sangria Bread

Whole Grain Pomegranate Sangria Bread
By, Chef Gina Meyers

1 Tablespoon of Cornmeal

1 cup of quick-cooking rolled oats

1 cup of buttermilk, divided

½ cup of True Temptation Pomegranate Sangria

2 cups of all-purpose flour

1 cup of whole wheat flour

2 Tablespoons of packed light brown sugar

1 Tablespoon of baking powder

1 ½ teaspoons of caraway seeds

1 teaspoon of baking soda

1 teaspoon of salt

6 tablespoons of butter or margarine, chilled, cut into pieces.

2 eggs, lightly beaten, divided

½ cup of currants

½ cup of pomegranate seeds

Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Sprinkle large baking sheet with cornmeal. In a bowl, combine oats with ½ cup of buttermilk; ¼ cup of pomegranate sangria let stand ten minutes. Meanwhile, in a bowl, combine all-purpose and whole wheat flour(s), sugar, baking powder, caraway seeds, baking soda and salt. With a pastry blender or two knives, cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs: set aside. Reserve 1 Tablespoon of egg; combine remaining egg with remaining buttermilk (1/2 cup), plus ¼ cup of Pomegranate Sangria. Stir into oat mixture; stir in currants and pomegranate seeds. Stir buttermilk mixture into flour mixture until stiff dough forms. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface. Knead dough until smooth, 1-2 minutes. Shape dough into round loaf; place on baking sheet. Brush top of dough with remaining egg. With serrated knife, cut an “X” in top of bread, extending cut over sides of loaf down to baking sheet. Let stand in warm place for fifteen minutes. Bake 40-45 minutes or until loaf sounds hollow when tapped on bottom. Cool slightly on pan on wire rack before serving.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Ghost Town, by, Alan R. Hill

The Ghost Town

By, Alan R. Hill

We stood on the cold corner across the street from our high school, huddled together against the wind. The news was beyond our comprehension. It took our breath away. What could we do? It was November 22, 1963.  I left for the Marine Corps in the beginning of March and my friend shortly after.

Four years later we were both back home, safe and somewhat sound. In late May we departed for a trip across the United States, to the East Coast and beyond.

We crested the ridge and the vista of the valley lay open before us. A ribbon of road as far as the eye could see. The rolling yellows and greens held in place by a powder blue sky, all around and above. One glance at my friend’s appreciative face and flashing brown eyes told me he saw what I did.  

It was the Wyoming prairie lands we were entering. We rolled over the top and the weight of gravity propelled us downward. We fell quietly, in tandem with the pristine landscape, part and parcel of it, like a hawk sweeping down from on high.

 As the road leveled and straightened we saw some movement in the sage brush to our right. Two wild horses, a white stallion and his roan mare. Shiney coats all. They ran along side us, we slowed and stopped. They continued on ahead of us and they stopped. They started a kind of dance on the edge of the roadway while tossing their heads to and fro. Then committed, they ran, hooves ringing hallow on the asphalt, across the road, off and into the prairie and away.

We gasped for breath, the sight was so beautiful, the experience so elemental.  They disappeared into the depths of the prairie, eventually merging with the variegated yellows and greens. Apparently swallowed by that expanse. Or perhaps re-entering a portal into another time from which they had only momentarily appeared. A loud “clunk”, broke the silence, transmission in gear we continued on our way. A wary eye on the gas gauge, it was getting low. There was a turn up ahead and it looked like the only one we might see for days. We took it.

There was a one pump gas station on the way into town. Relieved we pulled in, but it was deserted. We got out of the car and looked around. The back door on the second story of the worn house that fronted the property, opened. An old man stepped out and came down the rickety flight of stairs. His hair was white, eyes sky blue, he was tall and there was a calmness, and a dignity about him.

He came over to us standing by the pump. “Where you young fellas headed?” he asked stopping to talk to us, rather than going directly to the pump. We explained we were headed out across country, “going to New York and the World’s Fair in Canada.” We continued to talk as he approached the pump.

“If I was a little younger, I’d throw my knapsack in the back there and come along with you,” he said simply, while removing the pump. There was a stillness and quietness in his motion.

At his words I could see a lanky youth with a full head of thick brown curly hair, slinging his knapsack in the backseat of the car, decidedly; as if the direction of time was no object.

He filled our tank with gas, we talked a bit more, paid, wished each other well, and leaving him there, drove into town.

It looked like an old cowboy town. The street was unpaved and the stores and shops which were all closed were bordered by a wooden platform that ran in front of them along both sides of the street. Any paint long ago faded revealing a uniform grayness. Where once their sprouted a rich and vibrant oiled wood, pungent and resounding from the heels of passersby, the boards now complained and ached, and fairly groaned with their history. But it may have been the wind I heard.

When the storefront street came to an end, there were homes. But they also were closed. Made mere houses by boards nailed to windows and doors, signaling absence and barring entrance to their worlds. The wind made a circle of dust that ran up and down the street. Like mini tornadoes in a fast food world, impatient and unable to commit to a full run, hither and yon, starting, stopping, appearing, now gone. From whence does the wind come?

Retracing our steps we were surprised to find an open restaurant. The one shop on the street that was open appeared closed by virtue of its proximity to the others. We looked in, there were people inside. We stepped across the threshold, and back in time. All eyes turned to look at us. We strode to the counter, and sat on the unstable stools effortlessly maintaining center stage. Exchanging the temptation for a mad spin on the stools, to slow half revolutions for the sake of decorum, the seats themselves protesting their years of service loudly with each screeching turn.

 “Where you young fellas headed?” we were asked.

 “Where’re ya from?” another shouted.

 “Headed to New York and up from San Francisco,” we explained.

“What are you “sour dough’s” going to be doing in these parts?” we were asked, amid a round of laughter.

What’s a “sour dough” I thought? Later, I realized it was a reference to the long gone gold rush days of San Francisco and our famous sour dough bread.

 “We were running out of gas,” we answered. “What happened here?” we asked.

“Well, used to be a river there,” said one of the men as he pointed out the window of the small old restaurant. We followed his finger to a red gorge, like a scar in the earth, which must have been the river.

 “What happened?” we asked.

 “Dried up” we were told.

 “Used to do some mining too”, said another.

 “Mostly everyone gone now though,” added a third.

We ate and conversed with the remaining citizens of the town, after which we again said our farewells. Then we walked about the town a bit and took a few photographs. The empty houses with barred doors, the empty wind swept streets.

We passed the one pump gas station on the way out of town. I caught the blue eyes of the old man as we drove past and waved. He returned the salutation.

When our eyes met, an instant before our arms moved, there was eternity unbidden. It was like coming upon a deer in a meadow. You can glimpse it but can’t hold it.  I think the old man knew it, too.

As we drove on I had a feeling he was in the back seat traveling with us, eager for life and alert, running his fingers through his long curly hair as he leaned forward to say something to us, his enthusiasm making us laugh.

It was the summer of 1968. In less than a week we were in New York City. 

We heard the news on the radio. On June 6th we had our suits pressed.  The Chinese Laundry storefront looked harmless enough, and very small. We were a step behind Napoleon Solo as in the Man From UNCLE. We were led behind the counter through the curtain into a cavernous labyrinth of the bowels of some huge hotel. We left our suits, and waited feeling naked and vulnerable.

Next day we joined the solemn procession at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral. Walking silently sadly, down the aisle and around the closed casket.  What could we do? We paid our respects along with the others. It didn’t seem enough. Both brothers gone, first John now Bobby.

The channel of time carried us on, and swept us away. The Saint Lawrence River was beautiful. We arrived in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We were surprised they spoke French? The World Fair had ended in October 1967, it was now an expo. Most of the pavilions lived on, what we saw there was an exhibit called “Man and his World.”

Alan Hill ( 559449-1970 © July 12, 2015.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Mind, Body, and Spirit: The Balancing Act, by Marie Lavin, MSW, LCSW

The Mind Body and Spirit



In honor of the passing of Dr. Wayne Dyer, I am sharing my personal growth workbook, Manifesting Magnificence for free on kindle (till September 5th, 2015) . Dr. Dyer's publisher is offering his movie, The Shift for free too Serendipity Presents: Manifesting Magnificence . Please enjoy an excerpt from Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, by

Marie Lavin, MSW, LCSW.

Marie Lavin MSW,LCSW
Edited by: Susan Bierzychudek
© Divine Healing Energy 2015
Contributor to Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook
© Serendipity Press, all rights reserved, 2015



The Balancing Act

The mind, body and spirit, in their perfect state, act to support one another. But in our stressed and scattered lives, that perfect state is not always the norm. Attaining a perfect harmony of these three will lead us to a peaceful inner balance, allowing us to open to opportunities that are presented, and to be our very best selves.


It is important to identify ways in which we can change our thoughts and behavioral patterns to bring our mind, body and spirit into balance. Recognizing patterns that may once have served, but no longer work for us, is a critical part of this work.


First let’s address how the mind, body, and spirit fall out of perfect balance. When we are not taking care of ourselves—not paying attention, not listening to our basic needs of hunger and sleep, or becoming overwhelmed by our everyday lives—we tilt off kilter. We lose our balance when we are involved with addictions to alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, gossiping or working, for example. When we are in those addicted states, we become distracted and lose our focus on balance. We may use those addictions because they feel comfortable, often because we’ve been that way so long that we simply don’t know another way to be. It’s like wearing old comfortable shoes that may be held together by threads, barely giving us the support we need. We may think those tattered shoes are better than a new pair of shoes that feel stiff and need breaking in. Old patterns feel comfortable and predictable, despite the fact that they’re no longer useful. New patterns of thinking or behaving may need the same gradual breaking in before they feel natural and right. But the result is worth the work, many times over.


One common example of a behavior pattern that may no longer serve us is avoidance. We may not want to examine our tendency to procrastinate. It may feel like too much work to change that pattern, in which we conveniently back-burner issues we’d rather avoid. Our old pattern allows us to think that we’ll deal with the issue or task tomorrow. But when tomorrow comes we feel disappointed in ourselves, often opting to do something that will distract us from that feeling—perhaps focusing on an addiction to gossip or alcohol or food. That distraction is just another pattern that is not serving us.


It takes work to balance our mind, body and spirit. It takes time and patience, and the desire to move to a more peaceful inner harmony. It also helps to identify what behavior and thought patterns need to change. At its foundation, this work is about self-love. But how do we begin to work on our issues? The first step is to recognize that our behavior and thought patterns are interfering with a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Then we need to take small, manageable steps to find ways to make the changes. Part of your success will be in discovering which healing modality works most effectively for you.


Looking at my own journey towards greater balance, it was energy work that allowed me to release the blocks of thought and behavior patterns that were not serving me. That modality was such a perfect fit for me that I found myself compelled to become a practitioner, helping to teach others how to become their best selves. Energy work may also be your key to a better balance of mind, body and spirit.


Buy Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook

Thursday, March 26, 2015

7 Steps To My Writing Process, Why I Write, by, Carrie Smith

Carrie Smith, a fellow Bewitched Television fan and friend, shares her thoughts on the writing process and candidly shares, "why and how she writes."

7 Steps To My Writing Process, Why I Write
By, Carrie Smith

1. I've always subscribed to the theory that anyone can write--and write well. What matters most is the idea; syntax and grammar is secondary. In that light, a vivid imagination is paramount and style will develop over time. When I write, I start by jotting down ideas first and worry about structure later. I have volumes of titles and opening sentences which I look back through for inspiration.
2. I give awesome feedback when asked to critique/edit someone else's work but I am my own worst enemy. I have a very hard time deciding when something I write is "done."
3. Learning other languages has helped tremendously with learning grammar.
4. I'm most comfortable writing creative nonfiction/memoir. Taking creative license with events from my own life is therapeutic and helps to give closure. Putting something funny or troublesome onto paper forces me to examine all the details and think about them from other perspectives.
5. I have a hard time sharing my work. I'm very protective of it because in my eyes, it's never good enough.
6. I wish I was better at writing fiction. I'm too consumed by the actions taking place and too often skip over smaller details which would help the reader understand why they're happening.
7. My first publication was a in 2004 in a local writers column in the Gannett News syndicate. It led to proceedings to appear on a talk show for public television. Unfortunately, the host died before my episode could be filmed...

Serendipity Media Group

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, 21st of the month exercise, by, Linda Ferrari


The 21st of Every Month: A Plan for Keeping Your Life in Balance
(excerpt from Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, Serendipity Press, all rights reserved, copyright 2015)

By Linda Ferrari

Ever make a New Year’s Resolution and then three weeks later you realize you haven’t “kept” your resolution? Me too. Or, perhaps worse, you can’t remember what your resolution was? Or, perhaps worst, you decide to simply not even make a New Year’s Resolution?

For me, a New Year’s Resolution is a metaphor for positive change—changes—big and small. And I believe change is inevitable. So why not plan for change? Why not make a “New Year’s Resolution” once a month? That’s what this plan does—help plan for change on a monthly basis.

Another advantage of the plan is that it helps keep your life in balance. Have you ever found that when you concentrate on improving one area of your life (such as finding a new job) that another area of your life starts to suffer (such as then getting less exercise)? Me too.

So here is a plan that helps manage change while helping to maintain a balance in your life at the same time. I have practiced this plan myself and have shared it with a few others who have also found it useful. I hope you will find it beneficial to your life.

Here is how it works. I check in with myself once a month and see if I am keeping my life in balance while meeting goals I have set for myself, and then setting new goals as needed. It’s, therefore, a time for personal reflection.

I chose the 21st of each month because the shortest day of the year (Dec. 21st) is on the 21st of the month and the longest day of the year is on the 21st (June 21st) and the seasons traditionally change on the 21st (Sept.—autumn), (Dec.—winter), (Mar.—spring), (June—summer) but any day of the month will do. The main point is to choose one day a month and have it be the same day each month. I mark the day on my calendar so I will not forget.

This is what I do. I bought a pretty notebook with blank pages, and I write in the notebook on the 21st of each month. I evaluate my life in nine areas and then sometimes add goals that seem especially important, or just notes or random thoughts or an overall evaluation of my life.

Here are the areas: Spiritual, Work/Career/Vocation, Family, Financial,  Physical, Mental/Education, Love, and Friendships. (You may add Social and Emotional to your workbook). Directions, print out the below wheel. Give yourself a rating for each area of your life and place a dot with pencil or pen on one of the three lines in each category. The line closest to the center is (below expectations), middle line is (needs improvement), top line is (pleased/satisfied with expectation). Once you do this for each area of your life, connect the lines and then ask yourself, "will it roll?" View this as a bicycle tire or a car wheel, is this stable or are one of the spokes in need of repair?

Manifesting Magnificence is a personal growth workbook with a series of exercises to promote positive benefits in the areas of mind, body and spirit. How would it feel if I took a hike to Yosemite one day and met a woman named Cecelia? It would feel exciting and serendipitous. While on that hike, I discovered that Cecelia is a Drama Therapist who has shared for this workbook her tips. How would it feel to have a book signing in Manteca and be seated next to a man named Richard? It would feel fun, energizing. While at that book signing, I found out that Richard is a Yoga Master and he has shared his meditation techniques in this book. How would it feel if I was looking for an online Dreamboard and met a woman named Anita? It would feel enlightening and wonderful. Anita is the Co-Founder of and she has shared her Law of Attraction tips in this workbook. The stories behind the collaborators in this personal growth workbook are stories in themselves. Enjoy a bounty of rich information intended to uplift your mind, body, and spirit.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, in the news, Directions on how to create an online dreamboard

If you haven't heard yet, Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook has sold 17 copies since it was published, just three weeks ago. To keep the momentum going, I have asked Co- Founder and Visionary, Anita Rani to share our book with her friend and colleague, John Gray. I have requested he write the Foreword to Manifesting!

John Gray is the foremost authority on relationships. His best-selling book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, has changed for the better the way men and women relate to one another.

Anita recently interviewed John for the website. Anita writes about why she started an online Vision and Dreamboard Company in Manifesting and I have contributed How To Create  A Dreamboard Section in Manifesting as well.

Dr. Allan Hedberg is going on TV today to discuss his collaboration and his Self-Esteem techniques found in Manifesting. For those that don't know, Dr. Allan Hedberg is  a Clinical Psychologist practicing in Fresno, California.

I went on Central Valley Talk TV last Wednesday, and had Manifesting Magnificence on the coffee table as Mike Scott was interviewing me about this book as well as my cookbooks.

Yoga Master and Author of Emotional Sobriety, Richard Parenti is teaching a Meditation Course at Modesto Community College and has shared similar meditation techniques in Manifesting.

Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook has something for everyone. If you are teaching a course, the perfect accompaniment to your lesson plan. If you are a stay at home mom struggling to find your life purpose, and need a new fresh perspective, Manifesting offers it. If you are a college student, in need of some easy and healthy recipes, (dorm room friendly even), Manifesting has that too.
If you would just like to show your support for someone who has contributed to Manifesting, that would be wonderful as well.

Each author in Manifesting Magnificence would enjoy an opportunity to teach a workshop or share his/her passion for a cause.

My two causes that I support are NAMI Fresno and The Madonna De Lume Society.

I have a request: In the next couple of weeks I will be a guest speaker at a renowned university--would you consider ordering two copies?

Let's start a change reaction. Thank you for supporting Serendipity Media Group and authors who need a voice.

Anita Rani, Co-Founder of

Dreamboard Exercise:

You are responsible for your life. The way you think creates your life.

We are giving you multiple tools to create your own Dreamboard online as well as in this workbook. Go to to create your profile.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Manifesting Magnificence: A New Year, A New You, by, Serendipity Author Liz Longo

Liz is change agent. A native New Yorker, Liz knows how to multitask. In her commentary, “Relation Ships”, she sails you in a new direction by working in a healthy current of progressive thoughts. Relation Ships Relationships - it’s a compound word with a complex problem. It kind of depends on where you split the word but even then there are issues. Nevertheless it ain’t easy either way. What do I mean? You jest... Scenario 1. First word - relation. Second word - ship. Relation, a noun, per Dictionary.Com is: “an existing connection; a significant association between or among things: “the relation between cause and effect.” Tie that one onto a ship, a sailing vessel (the heart) square-rigged (non-flexible, though portable) on all of three or more masts (possibilities), stay sails (more considerations), and a spanker ( thank you) on the after-most mast (structure that holds the sails) (the relentless disposition of one party of a relation-ship that cause the effect of morning sickness without any relaxing fetus making a chaise lounge out of your cushy womb wall at all, or - if you are a man, the lifelong dent in your wallet and social life as well. The way I view it is the ship sails, relations go adrift until they reach so far enough way to a far, far, far off shore that you can finally wave painlessly. List the people in your life that have set sail? How did it make you feel when they left? How do you feel about it today?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thoughts For The Day, by, Serendipity Author, Richard Parenti

Thought for the day, by, Richard Parenti Thoughts for the day are simple, yet effective ways to explore possibilities in your own life and ponder on the powerful meaning of words, feel the inspiration. Serendipity Media Group is proud to share Mr. Parenti’s thought provoking quotes. “If your happiness depends on what other people say or do… you are in deep trouble.” “The wise man and woman gives 99% of their attention to how they feel about what they want, while continuously reaching for the next best feeling thought, and 1% to inspired action, thus enjoying the journey and staying in their power!” “When you find yourself in alignment with your source energy, outside conditions won’t matter.” “You can change your vibration about people or events in your life or in the world simply by finding the beauty in it all… and realizing that the imperfection you are observing is perfect as it is, as it cannot be any other way.” “Feeling good is the ultimate manifestation, because it feels good to feel good, especially when it comes from within, without any outside action.” Richard Parenti has more than thirty-four years of experience with mentors and yoga masters in the science of emotional mastery. He is the author of “Emotional Sobriety: Feel-Good Secrets for Everyone” published by Balboa Press. He is also contributor to Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, Serendipity Media Group, 2015. After returning from a 40-day silent retreat in the Himalayan Mountains in India he authored "Naked Before God" and "Your True Self" both of which appeared in Himalayan Path Magazine. In 2007 he was recognized by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Northern California for having the ideal yoga class for people with multiple sclerosis. Since 2000 he has been the spiritual director of the Yoga Health Institute in Modesto, California.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Meet Anita Rani: Using The Law of Attraction & Dreamboards To Live Fully

Anita Rani: Using The Law of Attraction Dreamboards To Live Fully At every given moment, we have a choice on how to live life: by default as a victim or with intention as a creator. On October 1, 2007, doctors diagnosed my mom with cancer, and five weeks later she passed away, not even giving us a second to grasp what had just happened. From this period of time, the only memory that resonates in my mind comes from three days before she passed away. All I can remember is seeing her, weak from her last strong chemo treatment and unable to speak, spending hours slowly writing her last words, “Life is full of surprises, enjoy fully.” At that moment, something hit me. It was like I had just awakened from the biggest nightmare of my victimized life. I realized these were no ordinary words, but inspiration and wisdom that would carry me into my life’s purpose and would eventually become my mantra. Though I did make many of my own decisions, they stemmed from my inner dialogue that I, a woman, was nothing special, only the male species were the "chosen" ones. Family, friends, culture and movies heavily influenced me. A lie that I came to believe by none other than myself. Even after creating my first successful online business in 2005,, and being featured on as a chosen community leader (to help raise awareness for Oprah Winfrey’s and Eckhart Tolle's online course, “A New Earth”) I was still not fully ready to embrace my true essence, the magnificent beauty that runs through my veins. I continued to hide behind the men in my life, letting them stand in my “light” and making my success theirs. After seeing my mom pass away at just 60 years old and then becoming a single mom to three kids after 18 years of marriage, I realized life is way too short to live small. If I continued on this path, I would be misguiding my kids, dishonoring my mother, and, most of all, disrespecting myself! I wanted to create, love and live! I wanted to make a difference in the world. I had a dream: To live life purposefully and to awaken to a higher way of thinking, living, and believing! I realized at that moment that it was time to do what made ME happy. I started to follow the advice of self-help gurus and created my first real Dreamboard an organized visual representation of all your dreams and goals. I spent over two weeks going through magazines, cutting images and creating intentions. This board displayed all the dreams I wanted to experience, from various energy healings and ayurvedic massages, to cabana huts in Koh Samui, Thailand. Three weeks after I created my Dreamboard, I got a call from my brother asking me to join him on vacation. My first thought was, “There is no way I can go! I have 3 kids, a business, and employees to attend to. I have too much to do and not enough money.” Still, my brother demanded I find a way to do it because he was booking a first class ticket for me, reserving a fully paid private cabana in an exclusive resort with unlimited food and all the premium services I wanted. Needless to say, I found a way. I went and experienced my dream come true: yoga under a tree, past life regression, healing sessions, tai chi, enchanting tea with a tea master, and at least 2 massages a day – all expenses paid! Two weeks after I came back, I was sharing my experiences with a friend on the phone and happened to be taking a closer look at the picture of cabanas on my Dreamboard. I realized that I had gone to the exact location of the pictures on my Dreamboard and didn’t even know it! After I successfully manifested my dreams and goals depicted on this Dreamboard, I knew there was some power behind it that I wanted to share with the online world. Thus, I dedicated the next three years to finding a way to motivate others through my experience, and with the help of my team we launched on 11-11-11. We can’t control each step of our lives, but we have the power to create our dreams and the direction of our life. Though I learned it the hard way, I am here to help you understand that you are not alone. You have the force of the universe, the power of Law, guiding you to achieve what your heart truly desires. All you have to do is BELIEVE! We can go through life by other’s guidance, or we can harness the Law, known as the Law of Attraction (LOA), and focus on intentionally bringing more positive things into our life while minimizing the negative. Everything has a vibration. From the foods we eat, the friends we associate with, to the thoughts we have--they all create a vibrational frequency. The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like”, and therefore we attract experiences into our life that match the vibrational frequency that we vibrate at. Just to go a bit deeper into LOA, we have two minds: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind works through logic and reasoning, and the subconscious mind works through what we constantly feel, think about and repetitively focus on. The subconscious does NOT know what is or is not real, and it has the ability to attract physical things and experiences with which we vibrationally match. Given this information about our subconscious, the more we repetitively visualize what we desire with positive emotion, the faster our desires manifest into reality. Another thing to help the manifestation process is to keep your frequency at its highest potential by engaging in life Activities that emit the same emotions as the ones we experience while visualizing our desires, dreams and goals. In other words, the more we experience the feeling of having what we want, the faster we will have it. For example, if you have a dream/goal to build a business that will help the world; you should visualize it daily with the joy of achieving this dream. You can also speed up the manifestation process by engaging in life activities that allow you to experience the same authentic feeling of joy as you did when visualizing. This is the Law of Attraction in action. However, keep in mind when dreams do not show up as fast as we want them to or just don't show up at all, chances are we have a block or a resistance to them which delays or detracts the dream from ever showing up. In order for LOA to work, we need to be fully ready and open. So if we have struggles "attracting" the perfect relationship into our life, chances are we might be dealing with some self-love issues. Before we try to love others, we first must love ourselves! Always remember, feelings like enthusiasm, love, joy, bliss, hope, courage, gratitude, freedom and trust emit high frequencies. Stay away from feelings that emit a lower vibrational frequency, which will push your desires away, such as fear, grief, guilt, worry, disappointment, resentment, insecurity and sadness. Visualize what you truly want on a daily basis and be enthusiastic about it. Engage in life activities that match that same enthusiasm and get ready to attract the life of your dreams. GET HIGHER! Excited to announce that Anita Rani, Co-Founder of (a virtual Dreamboard Community) is a contributor in the upcoming Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, due out on 1/1/15, A Serendipity Press (Serendipity Media Group Publication). 559-449-1970

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Hamburger Tree, by, Maria Pacheco

The Hamburger Tree is a bilingual children's book inspired by a true story.  Maria Pacheco is a West Coast Author passionate about multi-cultural enrichment. In 2014, Maria's book received the Superior Award in an Oral Interpretation Competition. Maria is a successful guest speaker having shared her book, The Hamburger Tree, with hundreds of fans in the United States, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Grow your imagination with this fun, timeless adventure sure to please children and adults alike.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Press Release for Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, by, Gina Meyers (and friends)

Manifesting Magnificence is a personal growth workbook with uplifting exercises to promote positive benefits in the areas of mind, body, and spirit.

Who is the book for: 
 A Personal Growth workbook for parents, teachers, married, divorced, single people, anyone who is looking for an easy plan to get their life jump started, energized, moving forward in the direction of their visions and dreams.

Intention for the book: 
The books main purpose an inspirational workbook on how to access our dreams/visions for our future. We have to be clear on our future and visualize it and be free of negative thought patterns to achieve our dreams of manifesting magnificence.

Who is the book written by: 
The book is a collaboration of authors, teachers, spiritual leaders, therapists, artists who have techniques to promote personal growth through a series of fun exercises, worksheets, organizational tips, positive affirmations, meditations, physical and mental exercises, thoughts to contemplate, inspiration through others stories. 

Book is published by:
Serendipity Media Group

Release Date: 1/1/15

Categories: Personal growth, self-esteem, meditation, nutrition, mind, body, spirit.

Book will be published in softcover as well as e book format.

E Book:
Many of the authors will have their section available in e book prior to publication of the workbook. Please see first in the series: Manifesting Magnificence: An Easy Guide To Meditation by, Richard Parenti.

Below is an example of one of our contributors, Richard Parenti and his Feel Good Secrets from A-Z Exercise, as found in his book, Emotional Sobriety: Feel-Good Secrets for Everyone published by, Balboa Press: A Division of Hay House.

“Often a situation presents itself to you and you’re knee-jerk reaction feels good, but then you sabotage yourself by finding a way to talk yourself out of following through for one reason or another.”-Richard, Yoga Health Institute

A sample of feel good secrets from A-Z Exercise. Think of a positive uplifting word for each letter of the alphabet.

A Awesome
B Beautiful
C Clever
D Delicious
E Exhilarating
F Fabulous
G Great
H Happy

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Meet Richard Parenti, author of Emotional Sobriety

As a Hay House author, and real life survivor and thriver, Richard Parenti knows how to power up or rather level up his language to elevate and change his moods, feelings, and thoughts.

Serendipity Media Group is proud to announce that Mr. Parenti is a contribting positive incantation specialist sharing his, Thoughts For The Day.

Thought For The Day:

"When you find yourself in alignment with your source energy, outside conditions won't matter."

"The wise man or woman gives 99% of their attention to how they feel about what they want, while continually reaching for the next best feeling thought, and 1% to inspired action, thus enjoying
Journey and staying in their power."-Richard, Yoga Health Institute

Emotional Sobriety
If you would like Thoughts For A Day in your inbox or to be a part of Richard's Mindset Group in Manteca, email

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Meet New Jersey wife and mother, Author Michelle Tighe

Meet New Jersey wife and mother, Michelle Tighe. She is not just a typical New Jersey Housewife, she is one tough cookie. She has worked in the legal field as a legal secretary for many years and had a dream. It wasn’t a typical run of the mill dream, it was a dream to one day be an author. So she took pen to paper, after some down time, and she went to work. She worked and worked diligently on her story, until she really liked it, then she put it away. She waited a few years and thought, “hey, this is kind of a cute story, why not turn it into a children’s book?” From that one dream, her wish was fulfilled and like the characters in Erin’s Adventures In Dreamsville, Michelle’s dream like Erin’s came alive.  Erin's Adventures In Dreamsville link to Amazon to purchase
Erin's Adventures In Dreamsville is available for automatic download onto your kindle and will be available in April of 2014 in softcover.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Buy Erin's Adventures In Dreamsville via Pay Pal

Buy Erin's Adventures In Dreamsville via Pay Pal

Please send name and address to: or write to PO Box 3882 Clovis, Ca. 93613

$30.00 plus $3 shipping and handling for one book.
$25.00 each plus $3 shipping and handling for two books.
$19.99 each for three or more, plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

Quantity Discount

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Excerpt from Erin's Adventures In Dreamsville and holiday recipe, Ireland's Charming Cinnamon Cookies


Little did Erin O'Malley know that she was about to experience the most life altering year of her existence. The sudden passing of her Aunt Ireland would bring bittersweet emotions along with newfound friends. Their special tea parties and blissful Sundays spent baking would always remain treasured memories in Erin's heart. However, this was not the only treasure which Erin bared, for Erin's aunt left a part of her legacy underneath a blue blanket in the closet. Curiosity of the unknown only heightened the excitement of what Erin was about to reveal about her aunt as well as herself. Either way, nothing or no one could have prepared her for what came next, like her aunt's secret life and Erin’s purpose in it all.

 Excerpt from Chapter One:

Erin recalled peering out of the window, remembering a certain instance with her aunt.  “Come to the kitchen!” Aunt Ireland yelled.  Erin skipped into the kitchen, where her aunt had a beautiful tray of Erin’s favorite cookies, cinnamon sugar.  Erin sat at the kitchen table eating her cookies and sipping an icy, cold glass of milk.  While Erin was gobbling down her goodies, her aunt would be preparing the tray with dainty teacups for tea time.  The sight of the silver tray sent Erin from her chair and immediately to her aunt’s side.  “Is this what I think it is?” Erin asked.  Aunt Ireland had nodded “yes,” picked up the tray, and lead Erin into the Florida room.  The Florida room was one of Erin’s favorite places in the house, because the French doors led to a balcony, which overlooked the enchanting woods.  Erin recalled Aunt Ireland placing the tray on the white, wrought iron table and taking her hand, as they moved towards an old, wooden chest.  Erin always smiled at the cheerful paintings of children playing in colorful autumn leaves.  There was another painting that she was extremely fond of, which consisted of children sledding beside a quaint, snowy cottage.  She particularly loved the way the smoke bellowed from the chimney, while a small family gathered out front, enjoying mugs of something delicious.  Erin liked to imagine it was hot chocolate with lots of mini marshmallows.

Ireland's Charming Cinnamon Cookies:
3 tbsp. white sugar 
1tbsp. ground cinnamon 
1 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup butter (softened)
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2-1/2 cups of all purpose flour
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
Pinch of nutmeg

1. Preheat oven @ 300 degrees F.
2. Combine 3 tsp. white sugar and cinnamon with pinch of nutmeg in a bowl and set aside.
3. Blend dark brown sugar and white sugar in a large bowl with mixture on medium speed. Add butter and blend until grainy. Add eggs and vanilla extract, mixing until light and fluffy. 
4. Whisk flour, baking soda and salt together in a separate bowl. Add to sugar mixture, mixing at low speed just long enough to combine. Over mixing will make the cookies tough!
5. Roll dough into 1 inch balls, then roll each ball into cinnamon-sugar mixture to coat. Place cookies on ungreased cookie sheets and bake at 300 degrees F for 18-20 minutes. Remove from sheets and let cool on racks. Caution: Eating these cookies may cause you to smile and be surrounded by family and friends!

About The Author, Michelle Tighe
Michelle Tighe, a New Jersey native, graduated from Gloucester City High School and has worked as a Legal Secretary for the past seventeen years. She is happily married and has a son. Michelle has always enjoyed writing poetry and reading. She is excited to pursue her lifelong dream of publishing Erin’s Adventures in Dreamsville, a children’s book.Serendipity Media Group Publishing

For Sale in softcover and e book format.