Friday, July 5, 2019

It's Not Too Late to Make Retirement Great!

Listen to Author Arsen Marsoobian speak from the heart about his experiences in life and a brief excerpt from his book, Don't Die.

"Preparing to live or waiting to die." Over the age of 65, you fit into one of these two categories.  The reason I say this is because I have done both. In my book Don't Die I explain what happened after divorce and relocating back to my family and community I had left for 12 years. We believe life changes after the age of retirement. What is that 65? 

Most prominent sales job government as ever sold to American people. They set up Social Security benefits at age 65 when life expectancy for the average person was age  64. Good logical thinking for politicians in Washington. Now more and more people living to age 100 and beyond. There will soon be a million people over age of 100 in America .

So the question is, what are you going to do in the next 30 years?

The answer requires a whole different mindset and a way to approach life. But, Arsen under my circumstance, I can't do anything. As one of the great motivational speakers of our time, Zig Ziglar answered that statement. "With a question."What are you doing under there in the first place?
If you have been out of the game of life for a while time to get back in is NOW. If you're still in the game excellent, keep it up. Be an inspiration to others around you. Choose to prepare every day to live. 

In my book, I share the three essential things that helped me make the mind shift.  Maybe they will help you. They are, Keep Learning, Keep Doing, and Keep Giving.

There is a bonus chapter in the back of the book to help you evaluate your desires or dreams before you get started. With only thirty years left, you don't want to waste time pursuing a course of action that will not be fulfilled.

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