Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Helpful Books to heal through the trauma of the corona virus pandemic (published by Serendipity Press, Serendipity Media Group)

As an author and publisher, I have had the opportunity to share other's creative works and have also had the wonderful opportunity of creating book(s) that are enriching, enlightening, informative, and helpful.

Here is a brief list of book(s) that I have collaborated on that can help you to find the change you are looking for in your life and to digest new, positive information on your journey through this crazy, life changing time.

Be well!

My books of inspiration:

Life Lessons Learned Series

Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook

Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, free preview

Attitude of Gratitude, by, Gina Meyers

Life Lessons Learned Through The Seasons of Change

Life Lessons Learned from Oprah

Be Proactiv, Stay Proactive, My Experiences with Judith Light

C'est La Vie, Paris: Life Lessons Learned on Cooking & More

Feng Shui Today

Everyone has taken a flight with some turbulence. And every cloud has a silver lining. In Life Lessons: Living a Life Of Inspiration, you will hear stories of optimism, faith, strength, endurance, compassion, and heart. There is magic in hearing the stories of the lives of others, their obstacles, difficulties and challenges. All of these stories share a common bond, a persistent spirit in the face of adversity. These short stories will help readers find inspiration in many different places. The Bewitched television series has changed people’s lives. Hear the stories of every day people, who have taken a positive attitude to the ups and downs of life, by finding inspiration from the television show Bewitched. Take flight and remember to be grateful and count your blessings as you hear true stories from a new airplane flight attendant and how hard it is to “earn our wings.” Are you so sick of being part of the lonely hearts club? Hear two dating dilemmas in Corporate Toothbrushes and the screen play Jealous Cat. Need a cup of comfort? You will find solace and strength in a short story in memory of a Grandfather, entitled: Souvenirs of Life, Remembering Grandpa Chig and Robert, An Inspirational Life. This small collection of emotional stories will assist a person mourning over the loss of a loved one, a job, an ability, a relationship. Others who have lost will share their stories on what they have gained, offering guidance and hope.
Perhaps some food for thought? Nourishment for the mind, body, and spirit and some scrumptious Italian-Sicilian dishes is on the menu and is served up with humor and compassion with stories that are sure to tug at the heartstrings. Here is your recipe for success, engaging everyday events shared into inspiring stories. Your prescription to health, happiness and well being, a story a day.

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