Showing posts with label Manifesting Magnificence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manifesting Magnificence. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dreamboards, by Gina Meyers

 How To Make A Dreamboard 
By, Gina Meyers 

Gather Materials: 

You can either use magazines or images found on websites. If you choose to use magazines, gather different types of magazines, so you can cover all the topics that you are interested in. For instance, if you are interested in traveling, visiting a local travel agency and requesting brochures on the countries you would like to visit. If you are interested in Yoga for instance, purchasing a magazine devoted to Yoga, health and wellness would be appropriate.  You can also use documents you collect or bulletins, found at your local church or university. You want to find images that remind you of your goals and ambitions, hopes, dreams for your future. These images are meant to motivate.  

Cut out images: 

Go through each magazine and cut out any pictures, inspirational words that appeal to you. Allow your mind to wander and follow your instinct. Find bright, colorful images that make you feel ambitious, motivated, exhilarated, fantastic. Ideas are: nice houses, cars, flowers, landmarks, fitness models, powerful words (love, hope). 

Purchase a board: 

A large blank poster board, inexpensive and available at a local art store or dollar store, discount drug store/pharmacy. You can also invest in a canvas or a magnet board. 

Cut and paste pictures: 

Cut and paste pictures on your dreamboard. You can use glue sticks, or elmer’s glue. 

Place the dream board: 

Put it beside your bed, or in your office, or in your workspace. If you don’t have a lot of room, take a picture of your dreamboard and look at it on your phone or print out a photograph of your dreamboard. It will be a smaller version, so good for handy reference to keep in your glove box of your car.  

Over the course of a year, you will notice that you will start to achieve some of your dreams that you have placed on your board.  

You can also make a dreamboard online at

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Mind, Body, and Spirit: The Balancing Act, by Marie Lavin, MSW, LCSW

The Mind Body and Spirit



In honor of the passing of Dr. Wayne Dyer, I am sharing my personal growth workbook, Manifesting Magnificence for free on kindle (till September 5th, 2015) . Dr. Dyer's publisher is offering his movie, The Shift for free too Serendipity Presents: Manifesting Magnificence . Please enjoy an excerpt from Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, by

Marie Lavin, MSW, LCSW.

Marie Lavin MSW,LCSW
Edited by: Susan Bierzychudek
© Divine Healing Energy 2015
Contributor to Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook
© Serendipity Press, all rights reserved, 2015



The Balancing Act

The mind, body and spirit, in their perfect state, act to support one another. But in our stressed and scattered lives, that perfect state is not always the norm. Attaining a perfect harmony of these three will lead us to a peaceful inner balance, allowing us to open to opportunities that are presented, and to be our very best selves.


It is important to identify ways in which we can change our thoughts and behavioral patterns to bring our mind, body and spirit into balance. Recognizing patterns that may once have served, but no longer work for us, is a critical part of this work.


First let’s address how the mind, body, and spirit fall out of perfect balance. When we are not taking care of ourselves—not paying attention, not listening to our basic needs of hunger and sleep, or becoming overwhelmed by our everyday lives—we tilt off kilter. We lose our balance when we are involved with addictions to alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, gossiping or working, for example. When we are in those addicted states, we become distracted and lose our focus on balance. We may use those addictions because they feel comfortable, often because we’ve been that way so long that we simply don’t know another way to be. It’s like wearing old comfortable shoes that may be held together by threads, barely giving us the support we need. We may think those tattered shoes are better than a new pair of shoes that feel stiff and need breaking in. Old patterns feel comfortable and predictable, despite the fact that they’re no longer useful. New patterns of thinking or behaving may need the same gradual breaking in before they feel natural and right. But the result is worth the work, many times over.


One common example of a behavior pattern that may no longer serve us is avoidance. We may not want to examine our tendency to procrastinate. It may feel like too much work to change that pattern, in which we conveniently back-burner issues we’d rather avoid. Our old pattern allows us to think that we’ll deal with the issue or task tomorrow. But when tomorrow comes we feel disappointed in ourselves, often opting to do something that will distract us from that feeling—perhaps focusing on an addiction to gossip or alcohol or food. That distraction is just another pattern that is not serving us.


It takes work to balance our mind, body and spirit. It takes time and patience, and the desire to move to a more peaceful inner harmony. It also helps to identify what behavior and thought patterns need to change. At its foundation, this work is about self-love. But how do we begin to work on our issues? The first step is to recognize that our behavior and thought patterns are interfering with a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Then we need to take small, manageable steps to find ways to make the changes. Part of your success will be in discovering which healing modality works most effectively for you.


Looking at my own journey towards greater balance, it was energy work that allowed me to release the blocks of thought and behavior patterns that were not serving me. That modality was such a perfect fit for me that I found myself compelled to become a practitioner, helping to teach others how to become their best selves. Energy work may also be your key to a better balance of mind, body and spirit.


Buy Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook

Monday, November 17, 2014

Press Release for Manifesting Magnificence: A Personal Growth Workbook, by, Gina Meyers (and friends)

Manifesting Magnificence is a personal growth workbook with uplifting exercises to promote positive benefits in the areas of mind, body, and spirit.

Who is the book for: 
 A Personal Growth workbook for parents, teachers, married, divorced, single people, anyone who is looking for an easy plan to get their life jump started, energized, moving forward in the direction of their visions and dreams.

Intention for the book: 
The books main purpose an inspirational workbook on how to access our dreams/visions for our future. We have to be clear on our future and visualize it and be free of negative thought patterns to achieve our dreams of manifesting magnificence.

Who is the book written by: 
The book is a collaboration of authors, teachers, spiritual leaders, therapists, artists who have techniques to promote personal growth through a series of fun exercises, worksheets, organizational tips, positive affirmations, meditations, physical and mental exercises, thoughts to contemplate, inspiration through others stories. 

Book is published by:
Serendipity Media Group

Release Date: 1/1/15

Categories: Personal growth, self-esteem, meditation, nutrition, mind, body, spirit.

Book will be published in softcover as well as e book format.

E Book:
Many of the authors will have their section available in e book prior to publication of the workbook. Please see first in the series: Manifesting Magnificence: An Easy Guide To Meditation by, Richard Parenti.

Below is an example of one of our contributors, Richard Parenti and his Feel Good Secrets from A-Z Exercise, as found in his book, Emotional Sobriety: Feel-Good Secrets for Everyone published by, Balboa Press: A Division of Hay House.

“Often a situation presents itself to you and you’re knee-jerk reaction feels good, but then you sabotage yourself by finding a way to talk yourself out of following through for one reason or another.”-Richard, Yoga Health Institute

A sample of feel good secrets from A-Z Exercise. Think of a positive uplifting word for each letter of the alphabet.

A Awesome
B Beautiful
C Clever
D Delicious
E Exhilarating
F Fabulous
G Great
H Happy