Monday, September 12, 2016

Tips on Branding Yourself in today's fast paced digital world!

Tips on Branding Yourself in today’s fast paced digital world!

 By, Gina Meyers

I am a versatile, enthusiastic marketer who is assertive by nature. How I got this way has something to do with birth order, first born and loud and proud about it.  I enjoy planning, developing and implementing marketing as well as public relations strategies. I’ve spent years marketing myself to: potential employers, potential clients, as well as Fortune 500 Companies. Many opportunities I have landed. I was fortunate to work for Xerox as well as Google Corporation. I am going to share my strategies and tips on how to brand yourself in today’s fast paced digital world.

In today’s internet savvy world, you need to get with the program.
Tip #1:
Become a Star Trek Techie. Know that a cat doesn’t just chase a mouse, that you actually know the vocabulary of the computer. I’m being factious, you don’t have to be a technological guru, just know your way around Facebook and Linked In and you’ll be good. If you want to add in Instagram and Snapchat, by all means be my guest.
Tip #2: To Thine own self be true.
What this means is to be ok with yourself, to know who you are and what you like. Are you an optimist or a pessimist, a home buddy or a world traveler, a bud light or champagne kind of person? Getting to know yourself and your likes and dislikes will help you to formulate a plan on marketing yourself.

Tip #3 Become well informed.
Did you know that in today’s fast paced digital world that the one that has the information and the ability to access it in a timely manner is the winner? This means that staying abreast of current trends in your chosen field is wise and prudent and helps you to grow and build the confidence to market yourself.
Tip #4 Sell the sizzle and not the steak
My ex-husband had a boss who used to say this. What it means is in order to market or sell yourself, you’re selling the idea of yourself, that’s the “sizzle”. It’s the best version of yourself. It’s the self you are on a good day.

Tip #5 Figure out your target market
The Beetles had groupies. You have a group of friends or followers who love most everything about you. What’s the idea of you that they gravitate towards? Once you find out who your target market is, you can then market yourself to that group or groups.

Gina is the owner of Serendipity Media Group, a global publishing, marketing, and promotions company. With Serendipity Media’s help, many authors have also found international success and recognition.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Word-ly Advice

A survey asked managers what words attract them to  potential applicants. In whatever line of business you are in, knowing these vocabulary words can enhance your success with managers and future business clients. At Serendipity Media Group, we can create new, fresh biographies for your employees, we can suggest a lexicon of awesome words to add to your website to engage new customers, we can also help you rewrite your resume, your content on your blogspot, and much more. Give us a call at: (559) 449-1970 to request samples and pricing. Serendipity Media Group

Under budget

Friday, August 12, 2016

Meet Author Ellen Cummins

Meet Author Ellen Cummins
 By, Gina Meyers 

In my quest as a marketing, promotions and author, I am always seeking out interesting people and wanting to share them with the world. I recently volunteered to schedule authors for the Ripon Color the Skies Event this coming Labor Day Weekend. That didn’t quite pan out since the host of the event was unable to provide a table and chairs for the event so even better, I get to share who I discovered in another format. Without further ado, meet Ellen Cummins.

Ellen Cummins, a writer of fantasy fiction and romance, has been obsessed with anything that makes her heart flutter. From vampires to monsters to regular humans, she loves to write about remarkable beings with extraordinary gifts that bring a level of something good even though the odds are stacked against them.
Born and raised in Modesto, she spends her summers chasing adventures that make her breath hitch in her throat, or twist her heart into a knot! She’s a manicurist by day and a retail jewelry associate by night, taking care of three children, a home, and a husband when she’s not rocking out at a concert, burying her nose in a gut-wrenching novel, or watching Game of Thrones. Creating beautiful, thought provoking stories is something she’s very passionate about, and wants nothing more than to share them with the world!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Marketing 411: Your formula for success

Marketing Tips

Marketing 411: Your formula for success

Marketing is a strategic exchange of products and services. Marketing creates a plan that causes a predetermined desired goal or result by focusing on externally related needs of a potential consumer who will find value in your product or service. Marketing is the creative execution of a plan to sell to an intended consumer a product or service. Niche marketing is honing in on a specific market also known as a specialized group of consumers. A consumer must perceive that the marketer’s product or service has value. A marketer has to take into consideration a number of components such as competition, price, and information in determining if their product is the most valuable to the consumer. The consumer or market must want to buy the product or service because they feel a need for the service or product.
Give us a call today at: (559) 449-1970 or email us at:
We can help you in the areas of promotions, publishing, and marketing. Serendipity, Promotions, Marketing, Publishing

Marketing 411: Your formula for success

Marketing Tips

Marketing 411: Your formula for success

Marketing is a strategic exchange of products and services. Marketing creates a plan that causes a predetermined desired goal or result by focusing on externally related needs of a potential consumer who will find value in your product or service. Marketing is the creative execution of a plan to sell to an intended consumer a product or service. Niche marketing is honing in on a specific market also known as a specialized group of consumers. A consumer must perceive that the marketer’s product or service has value. A marketer has to take into consideration a number of components such as competition, price, and information in determining if their product is the most valuable to the consumer. The consumer or market must want to buy the product or service because they feel a need for the service or product.

Give us a call today at: (559) 449-1970 or email us at:
We can help you in the areas of promotions, publishing, and marketing. Serendipity, Promotions, Marketing, Publishing

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Remembering Patty Duke, an unsung hero

Call me Anna

Imagine being your best.

Not settling for mere imitation

Rather, giving your absolute best to the world.

The world may be raught with imitators and competitors,

But you are different.

You have set yourself apart from the rest

You heard the call, you answered it,

You made the decision

You didn’t make the decision to walk away

You didn’t make the decision to run

You didn’t chose comfort

You embraced

You embraced the spirit of what you believe

Who you are

You took your past and you trashed it,

You recycled the parts that have built your character

And your integrity

You’ve shed the rest

In a big garbage heap of no regret

But rather hope

The phoenix has arisen from the ashes

He is alive and borne inside you

He is real

Despite your best last ditch efforts you tried to leave yourself behind

But the phoenix was within you-ready to fly…..

Soar above the rest

There is no owner’s manual for life, but there are guides like the bible to help us along the journey. When I was a teenager, I read two life changing books: Keeping Secrets, by, Suzanne Somers, and Call Me Anna, by, Patty Duke Astin.  We lost an unsung hero yesterday, mental health activist &, actress, Patty Duke. It wasn’t that long ago that I saw her at The Orpheum in San Francisco in the Broadway Musical Wicked. Some may remember her in The Miracle Worker, others, Valley of The Dolls, still others may remember her cute teenage spirit in the tv show, The Patty Duke Show. However you remember her, remember that she was brave and courageous and took a topic, Bipolar Disorder and gave it a face. Though I am sincerely grateful to not be afflicted with such a disease, I have had family members whom I love and have loved dearly who faced the same demons that Patty so candidly shared with the world.